Confirmation Resources 2017-2018 Archives

Here are the resources for the Shared Confirmation ministry of Good Shepherd, Hope & St. Andrew’s Lutheran Churches for Fall 2017 and Spring 2018.

These videos are private and require this password:  ipromise

We’ll be studying Luther’s Small Catechism and Lutheran heritage this year (which is also the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation!)

Luther’s Small Catechism and the Bible will be our primary resources.

Augsburg Fortress has a new Luther’s Small Catechism FREE app that you can download for your phone or tablet from the Apple App Store or Google Play

Extra Resources:

New Testament Song Lyrics

I Promise Song Lyrics

I Bless You in Name of the LORD

I Bless You in the Name of the Lord (Listen–This is the final song of this liturgy)

God Loves Us All the Same Lyrics

God Loves Us All the Same (Listen)

God Loves Us All the Same Lead Sheet

Here are the videos from Year Two (Lutheran Heritage) Fall 2017 and Spring 2018



Lesson 1:  Ten Commandments 1st Commandment (Steve Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) January 21, 2018

Handout: FirstCommandmentSteve

Lesson 2: Ten Commandments 2nd Commandment (Pr. Dan Severson, Hope Lutheran) January 21, 2018

Handout: 2ndCommandmentDanHandout

Lesson 3:  Faith Stories 1 (Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) February 11, 2018

Handouts:  FaithStoriesQsPr.Connie

Faith Story Assignment -homework

Lesson 4: Ten Commandments 3rd Commandment (Steve Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) February 11, 2018

Handout:  3rdCommandmentSteveHandout&Homework

Lesson 5: Ten Commandments 4th Commandment (Pastor Rebecca Swee, Good Shepherd Lutheran) March 18, 2018


Lesson 6:  Faith Stories 2 (Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) March 18, 2018


Lesson 7:  Ten Commandments 5th Commandment (Pastor Dan Seversen, Hope Lutheran) April 15, 2018

Handout: 5thCommandmentPr.Dan

Lesson 8: Ten Commandments 6th Commandment (Steve Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) April 15, 2018

Handout: 6thCommandmentSteve

Lesson 9:  Ten Commandments 7th Commandment (Pastor Rebecca Swee, Good Shepherd Lutheran) April 29, 2018)


Lesson 10:  Ten Commandments 8, 9, 10th Commandments  (Steve Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) April 29, 2018

Handout: 8th CommandmentSteve

Handout:  9th & 10th CommandmentsSteve

Lesson 11: What Happens After Confirmation  (Pastor Dan Seversen, Hope Lutheran) May 6, 2018


Lesson 12:  Craft with Confirmation  (Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) May 2, 2018


Lesson 1:  Prayer (Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) September 17, 2017

Prayer Handout

Lesson 2: Baptism (Steve Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) September 17, 2017

Baptism Handout

Lesson 3:  The Life of Martin Luther (Watch the Luther Movie) (Pastor Rebecca Swee, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church) Oct 1, 2017








Lesson 4: Lord’s Prayer: Context & Introduction (Steve Eulberg, Youth Director, St. Andrew’s)  Oct 22, 2017

LordsPrayer Detectives Handout

LordsPrayerIntroHomework handout

Lesson 5: Lord’s Prayer: 1st Petition  (Pr. Dan Seversen, Hope Lutheran) October 22, 2017

Pr. Dan’s Handout First Two Petitions DanHandoutLP2Petitions

Lesson 6: Lord’s Prayer Petitions 3, 4, 5 (Pr. Rebecca Swee, Good Shepherd Lutheran) Nov. 5, 2017

Handout LordsPrayer45RebeccaHandout

Craft for Nov. 5  Making Buddhist-Style Prayer Flags (Pr. Connie Winter-Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran)

Lesson 7: Lord’s Prayer Final Petition and Conclusion (Pr. Connie Winter-Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran)

Handout LordsPrayer6ConclusionConnieHandout

Lesson 8:  Communion (Pr. Dan Seversen, Hope Lutheran) Nov. 19, 2017

Handout: CommunionHandout

Lesson 9:  Craft:  Baking Communion Bread (Pr. Connie Winter-Eulberg) Nov. 19, 2017

Handout Recipe:  CommunionBreadRecipe

Lesson 10:  Apostle’s Creed Article 1 (Pr. Rebecca Swee, Good Shepherd Lutheran) Nov. 19, 2017

Handout:  ApostlesCreed1

Lesson 11:  Apostle’s Creed Article 2 (Pr. Dan Seversen, Hope Lutheran) Dec. 3, 2017

Handout ApostlesCreed2Dan

Lesson 12: Apostle’s Creed Article 3 (Steve Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) Dec. 3, 2017

Handout:  CreedArticle3Handout


Here are the videos from Year One (Bible)  Spring 2017 and Fall 2016.

Lesson 1:  The Gospel of Matthew (Pastor Dan Severson, Hope) January 22, 2017

Pastor Dan’s Handout on Matthew

Lesson 2:  The Gospel of Mark (Pastor Rebecca Swee, Good Shepherd) January 22, 2017

Pastor Rebecca’s Handout on Mark

Lesson 3:  The Gospel of Luke (Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg, St. Andrew’s) Feb 5, 2017

Pastor Connie’s Handout on Luke

Lesson 4:  The Gospel of John (Pastor Dan Severson, Hope Lutheran) Feb 5, 2017

Pastor Dan’s Handout on John

Lesson 5: Acts of the Apostles, The Conversion of Saul (Steve Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) Feb 12, 2017

Steve’s Handout for Acts (Saul’s Conversion to Paul)

Lesson 6: Acts of the Apostles, Philip Baptizes the Ethiopian Eunuch (Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) Feb 12, 2017

Pastor Connie’s Handout for Acts Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch

Lesson 7: Resistance IN the Church  Acts & Galatians (Steve Eulberg, St. Andrew’s Lutheran) March 5, 2017

Steve’s Handout for Resistance IN the Church Acts & Galatians

Lesson 8: Pastors’ Favorites (Pastors Connie Winter-Eulberg & Rebecca Swee, and Steve Eulberg) March 5, 2017

Pastor’s Favorites Handout

Pastor Connie: The Land   (Powerpoint)
Pastor Rebecca: Parables
Steve: II Corinthians 4:7-12 We Have This Treasure in Jars Made of Clay

Lesson 9: I Corinthians (Pastor Rebecca Swee) March 19, 2017

Pastor Rebecca’s Handout for I Corinthians.

Lesson 10: James (Steve Eulberg) March 19, 2017

Steve’s Handout for James.

Lesson 11:  Apocalyptic (Steve Eulberg) April 23, 2017

Steve’s Handout for Apocalyptic.

Lesson 12: What Does Confirmation Mean?  Now What?  (Pr. Dan Severson) April 23, 2017

Pr. Dan’s Handout for Now What?

Here are resources for the Shared Confirmation ministry of Good Shepherd, Hope & St. Andrew’s Lutheran Churches for Fall 2016.

These videos are private and require this password:  ipromise

Lesson 1: The Old Testament:  What It Is and How We Got It (Steve Eulberg, Youth Director, St. Andrews) Sept 18, 2016

Extra Resources:

Old Testament Song Lyrics SBE

I Bless You in Name of the LORD

Hebrew TANAKH List

Lesson 2:  Creation Stories in Genesis (Pr. Rebecca Swee, Good Shepherd) Part A  Sept 18, 2016

Lesson 2:  Creation Stories in Genesis (Pr. Rebecca Swee, Good Shepherd) Part B  September 18, 2016

Lesson 3: Abraham, Sarah and Hagar (Genesis 12-21) Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg (St. Andrew’s Lutheran) October 2, 2016

Lesson 4:  Isaac to Joseph (Genesis 24-35) Pastor Rebecca Swee (Good Shepherd Lutheran)  October 2, 2016

Lesson 5: Jacob and Joseph (Gen 37-50) Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg (St. Andrew’s Lutheran) October 16, 2016

Lesson 6: The Exodus (Moses & Pharoah) (Exodus) Pastor Dan Severson (Hope Lutheran) October 16, 2016

Lesson 7: The Covenant (Exodus) Past Dan Severson (Hope Lutheran) November 6, 2016

Lesson 8:  The Psalms Steve Eulberg (Youth Director, St. Andrews Lutheran)  This video does not include the concluding Drum Circle in which we created our own Psalm November 6, 2016

Extra Resources:

Psalms Handout

(Psalm Handout Key)

Lesson 9: The Two Kingdoms Pastor Dan Severson (Pastor, Hope Lutheran Church) November 20, 2016

Extra Resources

Pr Dan’s Old Testament (3 page) Handout:  prdanlesson9handoutp1

Lesson 10:  The Prophets Pastor Rebecca Swee (Good Shepherd Lutheran Church)  November 20, 2016

Lesson 11:  God at Work:  4 Stories Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg (St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church)  December 4, 2016

Extra Resources:

Pastor Connie’s Worksheet

Pastor Connie’s Homework Assignment for this lesson


Lesson 12:  Nehemiah Exile and Return Steve Eulberg, Youth Director (St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church) December 4, 2016

Extra Resources: Steve’s Worksheet   nehemiahlesson12