Prayer: O God, in Psalm 122:1 it says, “I’m so glad when they said let’s go down to the house of the Lord.” Well I’m glad that we are here. I am excited to see all of these bright faces who will be welcoming all people to our worship. O Holy One, help us be guided by your Spirit and let our worship be a blessing for all. AMEN.

Why do we need ushers and greeters? Sunday worship is the most regular way we praise God and love God’s children. We need people who extend St. Andrew’s hospitality to all people and to especially newcomers.

The Coming In : Luther said that we meet Christ in others. You are the first face of Christ that visitors and members see on Sunday mornings. People come looking for Christ’s face in others. You get to welcome people to worship. Jesus is coming to our worship each time we gather. You get to welcome Christ here.

The Going Out : Stay and make sure that you speak to those who are newcomers. Ask them if they have any questions. Tell them that you are glad that they chose to worship with us today. Make sure that they know that they are always welcome. Make sure that they have signed a Visitor card so that we can get in touch with them.
**Make sure that everyone who needs assistance leaving the sanctuary gets the help they need.
**Make sure that all the bulletins are picked up and that the pews are clean of debris.

Ushering – What it Means

™ Let your welcome and your smile be for all who enter; remember that you have time to see your close friends later in the week.
™ Seek out the lost and confused; do not wait for them to come to you.
™ When appropriate, lend a hand and an arm to the disabled, remembering your own infirmities.
™ Greet each person as the Lord, for that is precisely whom you meet.
™ When taking up the collection, remember that it is for the work of God’s people, especially among the poor, remember too, that many who make an offering are themselves poor.
™ Remember that you stand at the temple gates: some will come rejoicing and others in fear, some will come healed, and others to seek healing.
™ Be sensitive, and welcome all as best as you can.
™ Some will rush by and ignore you: let go of your disappointment and pray for the Lord’s gentle touch on their heavy hurried hearts. Some may fall ill while at prayer; see to their needs, as you would have them see to yours.
™ Be slow to judge those who leave early: be glad that they have shared in our prayer and recall that only the Lord knows the reasons of the heart.
™ When your brothers and sisters thank and praise you for your work, take delight in the welcome they have found, and rejoice in the work that Christ has accomplished through you.
™ Be faithful in the work you do, for through it God saves people.

History of the Usher: The more immediate predecessor of today’s usher can be found in the clerical order of porter, instituted in the third century A.D. During those times, it was the duty of the porters or ushers to guard the door of the church against any intruders who might disturb the service.

HOSPITALITY : The Latin root of this word means to “make space for another”.
As a Greeter or an Usher you are the front line of hospitality and in that role your first thought is to make decisions based on what is going to make someone else comfortable.

Go outside: How does a newcomer get into the sanctuary? You can help them.
When you greet please go outside and greet people on the sidewalk.
If it is raining please have an umbrella and help people into the church.
If someone is using a walker or a wheelchair please be outside and help them get out of the car and make sure that they know there is a ramp and open the door for them.

Visitors come early – please arrive 30 minutes prior to the worship. Please park in the credit union parking lot so that visitors and others with disabilities can park in the closer spots.
Point out where the Restrooms are located.
Reception in Meyer Hall – give directions.
Have them fill out a Visitor Card with their contact information – Look at the card and see if the name, phone and email are legible. Please COLLECT the info cards.

Questions to spark conversation:
How did you find us?
Do you live in San Mateo?

You can start conversation by saying that you like this church because:
1. People are accepting of all people
2. People are friendly
3. The pastor is welcoming
4. We serve communion to all people
5. _______________________ other reasons
**I recommend that you do not start this conversation by telling someone how many decades that you have been a member. This can make people feel that as a newscomer they will never catch up with the longevity of many members.

Special Ideas for EASTER and CHRISTMAS:
1. There are lots of visitors – most of the people in attendance are not people who
are frequent attenders of St. Andrews
2. Visitors come early and many do not feel comfortable staying and talking to
3. Make sure that you spend a few minutes with visitors and make sure they know
the lay out of the sanctuary and where the restrooms are and where the
reception after worship is located.
4. Tell them that everyone is invited to communion even young children.
5. Tell them that everything that they will need is in the bulletin.
6. You can explain that Bibles are at the end of the pew.
7. Wear your name tags. Get a nametag and pen for a newcomer and ask them to
put their name on it.