by admin | Jun 27, 2019 | Confirmation, Education, News, Newsletter
This will be Steve’s final newsletter article for the Good News at St. Andrews as he will finish my tenure as Youth Director at the end of May. Celebrate Youth message on “the dry bones” from Ezekiel. I have been pleased to work with our...
by admin | Jun 14, 2019 | Education, Events, Worship
We celebrated the Affirmation of Baptism as a confirmation of the faith of 3 young people in May and June. (from Left to Right: Youth Director Steve Eulberg, Pastor Connie, Hanna Quanbeck, Erin Wallace, Ayden Bugarini and Intern Sonja Pillman) Ayden Bugarini, Erin...
by admin | Dec 6, 2016 | Education, Events, News
Join us for an ADVENT CELEBRATION at St. Andrews on Saturday, December 10 at 4:00 pm. This concert will feature Steve Eulberg on a variety of instruments. Along with the music will be education about the Advent season and ways to watch, wait and prepare for the coming...